Pricing Plans
Step 1
We use your energy and bill data, weather-station data and satellite imagery to find the optimal solar, battery and electrification system.
Beam Self Assessment
Assessment of solar, batteries and PFC.
- Automated maximum solar size
- Predicted energy profile or upload interval data
- Detailed energy charges and tariffs
- Solar, battery and PFC assessment
- Online, PDF reports and business case
Desktop Assessment
Assessment of solar, batteries and PFC
- Includes everything in Free
- Bespoke layout of solar arrays
- Rooftop, Ground and Carpark solar modelled
- Up to 10 assessments per site included
- Multiyear analysis and cashflow projection
Site Feasibility Assessment
Electrical, structural & financial feasibility
- Includes everything in Free and Premium
- Site electrical inspection (connection points, cabling and inverter locations)
- Structural inspection and installation assessment
- Feasibility report with financial modelling
Step 2
We help you procure from our pre-qualified vendors on the Beam marketplace or use your in-house procurement.
Initial Offers
Apples vs apples comparison of offers
- Single round RFP on the Beam platform
- Minimum requirements and custom project brief
- 50+ pre-qualified vendors invited to offer
- Access to Beam's objective Vendor Score
- Solar, inverter, battery and warranty scoring
Detailed Offers
Multi-round RFP with select vendors
- Includes everything in Free
- Request for Proposal (RFP) or Reverse Auction
- Vendor site inspections hosted by Beam
- 20+ metrics and custom questions scored
- Assistance with contract review and negotiation
In-house Assistance
Support with your procurement process
- Includes everything in Free and Premium
- Assistance with development of project brief, minimum conditions, inclusions and exclusions.
- Access to vendor and equipment scoring
- Evaluation of RFP responses and provision of reports and advice.
Step 3
We ensure your project is delivered on time and on budget and continuously monitor its operation to ensure performance.
Manage & Monitor
Online portal for documentation, monitoring and savings verification
- Pre-installation design review and approvals
- Project oversight via email
- Document Hub for contracts, warranties and engineering plans
- 10-year Live Monitoring subscription
- Savings Verification (12 months free)
Quality Audit
Physical audit of project quality and comprehensive report.
- Includes everything in Free
- On site audit of system quality
- Over 100 items checked, scored and documented
- Comprehensive report with photos and issues
- Informs defect liability register for contract
Owners Engineer
Professional engineering and project management support.
- Includes everything in Manage and Monitor
- Project management with fortnightly virtual meetings
- Regular site inspections for scope and quality
- Quality audit at practical completion
- Defect Liability Register and follow up
Beam Solar Assessment
Desktop assessment of solar, batteries and PFC.
Start here to understand your options.
Automated roof solar sizing
Detailed energy charges and tariffs
Predicted Energy Profile or Interval Data
Solar, battery and PFC assessment
Online, PDF Report and Business Case
Premium Solar Assessment
Detailed project analysis and business case.
Recommended before Initial Offers.
Indicative solar panel layout and shade analysis
Future energy price and incentives forecast
25-year discounted cashflow analysis
Ongoing maintenance cost options in cashflow.
Five energy price and configuration scenarios.
Site Feasibility Assessment
Structural, electrical and financial assessment.
*Price based on up to three roofs and excludes travel expenses.
Site electrical inspection and feasibility
Connection points, cabling and inverter locations
Roof area inspection and report
Structural roof assessment and certificate
Feasibility report with financial modelling
Initial Offers
Initial Offers (Quotes) from Solar Retailers
Start here after your Assessment.
Detailed project brief and custom requirements
22 page minimum requirements based on CEC and AS
40+ Pre-qualified Solar Retailers invited to offer
Solar panel, inverter and installation warranty scoring
Apples vs Apples comparison with Beam Solar offers engine
Final Offers
Second round of offers for projects >100 kW.
Shortlist 3-4 Solar Retailers.
Request for Proposal (RFP) or Reverse Auction
Detailed and bespoke requirements in project brief
Supplier site inspection and interviews hosted by Beam Solar
20+ metrics scored + custom questions and scoring
Assistance with contract review and negotiation
Bespoke Procurement
Assistance with your in-house procurement process.
Technical support and expertise.
Expertise and advice structuring tenders
Sharing of supplier pre-qualification information
Technical advice and bespoke requirements documentation
Assistance with tender evaluation and analysis of proposals
Facilitation of supplier site inspections and interviews
Project Management
Project management support during implementation.
Included for all Beam Solar projects.
Review of project implementation schedule.
Contract management throughout installation period.
Attendance at virtual project management meetings
100-point post-installation audit of project quality
Provision of defect liability register
Monitor & Perform
Ongoing performance monitoring and support.
Included for all Beam Solar projects.
5-year Solar Analytics monitoring subscription
1-year cost savings measurement and verification
Online portal for project documents and issues
Re-assessment of site for increased solar and/or batteries
Access to further incentives through energy market participation.
Owners Engineer
Assistance during the implementation phase.
Recommended for larger projects.
Design and engineering review prior to commencement
Project management and reporting from design to practical completion
Regular site inspections and audits during construction
Resolution of project and contract issues.
Defect liability register and PC signoff.