McDonald's Solar Scheme

Licensee Opt-in Opportunity 

If you are interested to participate in McOpCo RFP process, please complete below opt-in form by providing your details, store names and ID’s by the 15th of September 2023.
Please email if you have any questions. 


McDonalds Licensee solar process

1. McDonald's email to Licensees

You should receive an email from McDonalds  outlining the process for implementing solar. Licensees interested to get initial quote/Assessment to fill the online form by 15th September.

2. Solar Assessment Opt-in

We will complete a desktop solar assessment of your site(s) at a cost of $300/site. This will allow you to choose the system size for the RFP/Pricing stage. The invoice for $300 will be sent out once the licensees are opted into the assessment.

An example assessment can be downloaded here:


3. Solar Assessment Sent

Beam will send solar assessments to you which will include the following via Adobe-sign:

•    Checkbox to opt-in for RFP/Pricing 
•    Checkbox to select your preferred solar size
•    McDonalds terms and conditions
•    Signing section

4. Commitment to Proceed with Solar Installation

Based on initial quote and assessment, you can now confirm the preferred solar system size and provide a commitment to proceed with solar installation. 

5. RFP Process/Pricing confirmed

McOpCo & Licensee Stores that confirmed to proceed to installation will receive their final pricing once the RFP process is completed.

6. Contract Execution with McOpCo & Licensees

Beam will assist McOpCo & Licensee stores with contract execution with successful installers.

7. Installation

Successful Suppliers will complete the installation on individual restaurants. Beam to project manage the installation process.

Need Clarification?

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a solar assessment cost?

Solar assessments cost $300/site and this will includes mapping of rooftop and car park areas and modelling solar production for 10-20 solar sizes against your existing energy consumption. 

We would recommend a system size with payback period based on optimum energy utilisation with solar. 9 x other options are provided for you to consider.

Do I need to proceed to procurement if I opt-in to the assessment?

No, if you are not happy with quote, you don’t need to proceed.

McDonalds strongly encourages Licensees to utilise the process and buying power of McOpCo to contract solar through the procurement process.

Licensees who have opted out after the assessment can later install the solar using McD approved suppliers, panels, and invertor. Encouraged to instal by 2025 in line with McDonald’s climate targets.

Are rebates available for solar?

All solar systems up to 100 kW at a site will be eligible for the STC rebate, the rebates are built into the pricing. This represents ~30% of the total system cost and decreases by around 15% each calendar year out to 2030.

What happens in the procurement process?

We will be running a competitive procurement process with all feasible McOpCo restaurants and all licensees that have opted in. All participating solar retailers will be vetted and scored to ensure quality of the solution. McDonald’s will select 1-3 solar retailers to deliver all projects for both McOpCo and licensee restaurants.

Do I need to proceed to implementation if I opt-in to procurement?

Yes, Licensees should expect to enter a contract with the chosen solar retailer(s) and accept the offered price that is determined through the procurement process. The final offered price will be in-line or cheaper than initial assessment price.

How will I know solar has been implemented to a high quality?

Our partners in this process, Beam Solar, will provide project management and quality assurance during the installation and will audit 20 projects after completion to ensure quality and compliance.

How will I ensure my solar is working correctly?

Your solar’s production will be tracked using a SolarAnalytics monitoring device. If a fault ever occurs or your solar’s performance drops below what is expected it will notify you directly.

What if there are issues with my solar system?

All solar retailers will be required to offer a 10-year installation warranty, the inverters they offer will have a minimum 10-year warranty and the panels will have a minimum 15-year warranty.

All warranty claims can be made directly to the solar retailer during the installation warranty period. Outside of the Installation warranty period warranty claims can be made directly with the equipment manufacturer.

Is ongoing maintenance required?

Solar does not typically require ongoing maintenance. All solar systems will include monitoring to determine the performance of the system and whether cleaning of the solar panels or an inspection is required. 

What is the expected solar system size, cost and payback period?

The standard Mcdonalds can fit around 25kW on its roof. This system generally costs from $25,000 to $35,000 and has a payback period ranging from 4-6 years depending on factors such as your stores location, construction type and electricity costs.

If you have a carpark you can generally fit up to 100kW with a higher cost of implementation and payback period.